Brand ID, Landing Pages, Product Messaging, Site Audit

AD–L Employee Welcome Page

I had the opportunity to work on a welcome page for employees who were transferring to a new department within the company.  The goal was to create a resource that would help employees feel welcome and informed about the new department, while include all the necessary information about software, company culture, and values. In addition to the landing page, I created posters that outlined the company tenets, which served as a visual reminder of the company’s core values and beliefs. This was a fun project that I hope made the employees feel excited and welcomed.

PepsiCo Bytes

The objective of this campaign was to conduct a comprehensive messaging and packaging A/B test to determine the most effective way to promote the product to the target audience. Using the packaging to create a cohesive landing page design was super fun; we tested three messaging options, three types of chips and two types of packaging, with additional social media marketing. The project was a success and the results of the a/b were clear! I’m excited for the future of Bytes.

Founding Design | Songtrust

Joining Songtrust’s growth team as the first in-house designer was a joy. I led the development and management of the visual identity and branding guidelines, establishing a cohesive and impactful brand presence for the company. I implore you to check them out if you make music yourself!

GE BYOU Site Audit

The GE BYOU site is a comprehensive resource for employees across the company; this site offers lessons and curriculums that employees are required to complete throughout their employment. As part of this project, I completed a site audit that involved implementing new UX/UI to create a more efficient, intuitive and visually engaging site.


Brand ID, Landing Pages, Product Messaging, Site Audit


PepsiCo Bytes

The objective of this campaign was to conduct a comprehensive messaging and packaging A/B test to determine the most effective way to promote the product to the target audience. Using the packaging to create a cohesive landing page design was super fun; we tested three messaging options, three types of chips and two types of packaging, with additional social media marketing. The project was a success and the results of the A/B test were clear! I’m excited for the future of Bytes.

AD–L Employee Welcome Page

I had the opportunity to work on a welcome page for employees who were transferring to a new department within the company.  The goal was to create a resource that would help employees feel welcome and informed about the new department, while include all the necessary information about software, company culture, and values. In addition to the landing page, I created posters that outlined the company tenets, which served as a visual reminder of the company’s core values and beliefs. This was a fun project that I hope made the employees feel excited and welcomed.

Founding Design | Songtrust

Joining Songtrust’s growth team as the first in-house designer was a joy. I led the development and management of the visual identity and branding guidelines, establishing a cohesive and impactful brand presence for the company. I implore you to check them out if you make music yourself!

GE BYOU Site Audit

The GE BYOU site is a comprehensive resource for employees across the company; this site offers lessons and curriculums that employees are required to complete throughout their employment. As part of this project, I completed a site audit that involved implementing new UX/UI to create a more efficient, intuitive and visually engaging site.

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(201) 953-9211

Brooklyn, New York

Designed by Emma Hanson | 2023

Let’s connect!

(201) 953-9211

Brooklyn, New York

Designed by Emma Hanson 

® All Rights Reserved 2023